registration is on yearly basis which is #1000 per year.just follow this simple step to complete your registration.

==> pay in the sum of #1000 into our

gtbank bank account name (MONEYIN JOHN)

ACCOUNT NUMBER (0118248715)


UBA bank account name (MONEYIN JOHN)

ACCOUNT NUMBER ( 2036776470 )

please when paying at the bank,tell the cashier to deposit it immediately so i can get an alert to confirm it ASAP

==> after payment,send the following details

name, teller number, phone number,gender, email address, tertiary institution, department, level (100 or 200), state

to this phone number OR email address (08168602983)  (

==> after your payment is confirmed, you will receive a welcome message from us and your details shall be added to our database so you can start receiving scholarship information Via SMS ALERT base on what you provided in your details for 1 year duration only, so make sure your details are accurate so that will can serve you better. after one year, you will have to renew your subscription again to continue.

==> you will get a free copy of scholarship past questions and answers, which is one of the BONUS package from us to our members only.this will enable you to practice before the test because it contains enough scholarship questions that has been solved with explanation, ranging from English, Reasoning, Analytic, Verbal, Analogy, IQ test, Maths etc used for scholarship exams like SHELL, CHEVRON, AGIP, TOTAL, AGBAMI, MTN, FEDERAL GOVT, PDTF and other scholarship aptitude test.

note that this is only available for members/subscribers only.